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England, My England and Other Stories. David Herbert Lawrence

02.08.2017 0 Автор:

Lawrence D. H. England, My England and Other Stories / David Herbert Lawrence. — Kyiv : Znannia, 2017. — 254 p. — (English Libra­ry, vol. 28). ISBN 978-617-07-0528-0

“England, My England” — a collection of stories by one of the leading British writers David Herbert Lawrence (1885—1930). The author’s world views were essentially influenced by the events of the First World war which he condemned as a manifestation of the extreme insanity, trying in his works to propound the recipe of salvation. In particular, the writer reckoned that a man should defer to his own inner desires and feelings and saw the solution in setting free instinctive energy. Just because of it, all the stories of the collection are about love, initial, sensual and passionate; about relations in which “he” and “she” are eager to implement the potential laid up in a man by nature.

Ціна: 50 грн

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