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How to Secure Your Data Online

29.04.2024 0 Автор:

Digital and internet-connected technologies are great, but they can also be dangerous. Data breaches and cybercriminals are prevalent, which is why it’s important to secure your data online. These best practices in cybersecurity will ensure that your passwords, account details and Social Security number aren’t speeding along the data highway to scammers and fraudsters.

Making sure you regularly backup your data is an essential part of any strategy for data security. You can then recover your data even if the device or server has been compromised. Maintaining your operating system as well as software up to date is a crucial step in stopping data loss. Criminals are always looking for weaknesses in older versions of software, so it’s important to ensure you’re using the latest version.

Strong passwords are your first line of defense against identity theft and hacking. Use a combination of uppercase, lowercase, symbols and numbers to create a unique password that is difficult for hackers to crack. By restricting who has access to your information will also decrease the risk of it being compromised or leaked. Consider using a password manager that can support zero-knowledge encryption such as Keeper Password Manager. This will enable you to securely to share a password even if someone else does not have a Keeper account. You can set a time limit and you can revoke access at any moment.

Classified data is the most sensitive and unauthorized disclosure can cause devastating consequences for companies or individuals. This kind of data must be protected at all times. Only authorized personnel should have access to the encryption key.


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