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How to Choose a Secure Data Repository

26.09.2023 0 Автор:

A secure data repository (SDR) is the central place to store important information for your business. It lets you analyze and access all your pertinent information in one location which helps speed up decision-making. It also eliminates duplicate data across different systems and databases which makes it easier to organize and track your data.

The best data repository should be scalable to accommodate growth in the future and work seamlessly with existing applications. It should also accommodate different formats of data and also have a standard metadata schema which allows you to locate and access data within the repository. The system should allow users to download, edit metadata and upload data according to their permissions.

It should also include a mechanism for ensuring the integrity of data in the repository. For instance, it could allow verification of data using checksums and digital signatures. It should also provide an audit trail that is impervious to tampering that records each data change and identifies the person responsible for the changes. This will help you meet regulatory requirements regarding data management and retention.

The repository should have data protection features such as encryption both during transit and in rest. This transforms the original data into a code only authorized users are able to understand. It should also offer regular backups to ensure that your data can be restored quickly in case of loss or corruption. Furthermore certain repositories offer data masking or redaction, which blocks sensitive data from view to unauthorized users.


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